domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012


The Andean region has a diverse cuisine, depending on geographic location presents different dishes like santafereño ajiaco (Bogotá), bandeja paisa (Antioquia) or  the mute and lechona from Santander (Tolima and Huila).

In the cundiboyasense kitchen predominate the fried food preparations and broths, with potato broth among the most consumed by locals. On the other hand, are common dishes cooked like pork and river fish. There are drinks like the denominated Masato, a drink made from cassava, rice, corn, pineapple, and the chicha, a drink that includes alcoholic beverages based on cereals and corn.

The Andean cuisine has its desserts and among them are the sandwich veleño the curuba foams, custard of milk, curd with molasses, sweets and papayuela gooseberries, the “flirty” cake or custard and the Muisca almojábana .

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